Chief Beefs Raceway Build More Go Karts
Game: Planet Coaster
Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 40+ hours
Difficulty: 4/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1 , 3
, 11
, 24
Author: Pete
Welcome to the trophy guide for Planet Coaster. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Achievements for Steam and Xbox are in almost all cases the same as the PlayStation 4 Trophies. A roadmap is provided in the stages below.
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Welcome to Planet Coaster! Build the coaster park of your dreams and manage a truly living world with unparalleled attention to detail. There are over 700 pre-made objects, including coasters, facilities and scenery; build from the ground up with detailed piece-by-piece construction, or transform the ground itself with terrain-altering tools. Running your park is just as easy. Guests react in real-time as you set prices, place scenery, and install exciting new attractions. Keep them entertained so attendance figures – and profits – skyrocket. Download coasters, scenery, buildings, and entire parks, or grow a following by uploading your own creations with Frontier Workshop. From stunning firework displays to sprawling cruise ships, there's no limit to the creativity. Your park, your way! Take on a deep, rewarding career mode, tackle challenging scenarios, or construct your dream coaster park with endless creative possibilities in sandbox mode.
Stage 1 – Earn Quick Trophies.
As soon as you begin the game, you can enter the Frontier Workshop online and download a few coasters that will help you earn soon quick trophies. Some examples are: Trophy coaster (by Knoef_NL) and Over 200 mph Coaster (by me, Whitewas). See the pictures below.
Downloaded Coasters from Frontier Workshop. -
Trophy coaster by Knoef_NL Page 1. -
Trophy coaster by Knoef_NL Page 2. -
Over 200 mph Coaster by me.
Open up Sandbox Mode and place the downloaded coasters. Once they are placed, you will need to test them. You will earn 11 trophies: Hang Time, Don't Stop Me Now, Coasting Along, A Head for Heights, Scream if You Want to Go Faster!, Air Raising, The Ride of Your Life, Air Miles, Speed Freak, Jaw Dropping, Faster than Lightning.
Stage 2 – More Miscellaneous & Quick Trophies.
In this step you will earn 4 trophies. Open Sandbox Mode, you will have unlimited funds so do the following steps:
1) Make a long straight pathway from the park entrance.
2) Add about 6 flat rides (3 on each side) of the pathway, add the enter/exit pathways and open the rides.
3) Add the largest and most expensive scenery items as this increases the Park Rating substantially and attracts many guests quickly.
4) Add a couple Marketing Campaigns that are $5000 each per month. This will increase the Park Rating and attendance greatly.
5) Continue adding scenery until the Park Rating reaches 1000. (The Ratings are Through the Roof trophy)
6) At the far end of the straight pathway, you will start need to build the start of a Power Launch Roller Coaster (Zenith). This will be a custom-built coaster. Place the station for the ride further away, then add the power launch tracks along the ground for about 5 or 6 sections. It will be aimed directly down the pathway towards your entrance to the park. When this pathway is packed with people and your park attendance is well over 1000 guests, test the new partially built rollercoaster. The coaster will travel down the pathway hitting people into the air and when it has hit 300 people, you will earn Crashing the Party trophy.
7) Place a Go-Kart ride in your park, attach entrance/exit pathways, change the name of it to "Bollard", the race to be only one lap of the track, and open the ride. Once many guests start to use the ride, you will need to click onto the area where you begin the ride, select the camera at the bottom of this menu screen, and choose one of the go-karts in the front. Use R1 for the accelerator and L1 for the brakes (the brakes are sensitive and may cause you to wipe out). You will compete in the race and will need to be the first to finish the race. This will earn the You're a Winner! trophy. If you did not earn the trophy, then repeat until you do come in the first place and earn this trophy.
8) Place a Monsieur Frites shop in your park. Go into the shop settings>Food>Fries (any size), click on the plus sign on the left, change salt to "a lot". This will earn the Salt on the Senses trophy.
See all the pictures below under their respective trophy name.
Stage 3 – Play through the Career Mode.
Enter Career Mode and play through your Career. You will start at Rank 1 and need to play through all the Scenarios, earning 3 stars for each, and at the end, you will be at Rank 11. This stage can be done at any time and you can save your Career Mode Parks to work on at any time. These Ranks will be the most time-consuming part of the game. You will only need to satisfy the requirements within the given Scenario to earn the 3 Stars in each one before moving onto the next Scenario. Some lower Rank Scenarios must be completed before the game will unlock the higher Rank Scenarios. It's recommended that you work through a Scenario entirely before moving on the next. Also, they are done in an order that naturally teaches you the "How to Play and Succeed" at the game. Feel free to do Stage 4 and Stage 3 interchangeably as you like.
Tips and Notes:
For all Career Mode scenarios, you will want to quickly earn money and increase the number of guests coming into the park. As soon as you start a new scenario, it's recommended to pause time, read through the Star requirements, look around at everything in the park, check the Park Management Menu (with the Touchpad) for the staff information, loans, marketing campaigns, and research available. Depending on the scenario, you may need to sell construction items, "coming soon sign" items, unnecessary items like tree stumps, fire staff members if there are too many, take out a loan to be able to buy items, and reduce loan payments as much as possible. Close any shops that are losing a lot of money. Some examples are too many food/drink shops that are far away from your guests, close all information and medical shops as these are not necessary at all.
To make money quickly, charge guests to enter the park and use washrooms, make at least 3-5 rides with 100% attractiveness using scenery items, increase the prices of the new rides after you get guests' feedback and when guests are willing to pay more for newer rides/coasters.
Do not play the game entirely on fast time setting as you may have a ride/coaster breakdown, too many thefts happen, and generally you will not be able to get and act on guests' feedback quickly enough for it to have an affect on that month's profits.
If multiple rides are breaking down, hire more repairmen and drop them at the exit to the ride/coaster. You can always fire employees at any time if you cannot afford them. The bigger the park and further rides, coasters, and attractions are spread out, the more staff rooms you need to place in your park. Remember to increase the capacity of your staff rooms as needed and attach a perk to them depending on the workload of your employees. Assign cleaning staff to clean buildings, washrooms, or areas of the park. Assign repairmen to check rides/coasters and you can change the frequency that they check a ride/coaster in its individual settings. Assign Staff to the food, drink, restaurants, hotels, and other shops so that staff is always keeping these open.
In general, you will always get a warning at the top of your screen when there is something important requiring your attention such as a shop closed for too long (so hire more staff members), theft happening (get security to kick them out of the park), and too many guests trying to use a shop (make a duplicate or open another type of that shop in your park). You can easily manually save your game at any point and have many saves on your system. This is a good way to switch between your Career Mode scenarios to either Sandbox Mode or the Frontier Workshop. The Sandbox Mode can be used to create or modify a coaster to meet the requirements for a scenario star. The Frontier Workshop will allow you to subscribe and download a community member's coaster for you to use or modify to meet your requirements. These coasters can usually then be used in your Career Mode from either Sandbox Mode or the Frontier Workshop. The only time you can not use them is when the coaster either is not an option in the scenario's park or you have not research that coaster in your park yet.
All the Scenarios are shown below under the Rank that they are given in. Refer to these trophy descriptions for more details.
You will earn: Welcome to Planet Coaster, Rank 2, Rank 3, A Star is Born, Riding Star, Brightest Star in the Sky, Rank 4, Investing in People, You're Hired!, Rank 5, Doing Your Homework, Rank 6, Loan Survivor, Rank 7, Rank 8, Rank 9, Rank 10, and Star Studded Career trophies.
Stage 4 – Complete 10 Challenges.
For this stage you will enter the Challenge Mode where you will have Challenges that the game asks you to complete. The Challenges are based on certain themes like: a firework challenge, coaster challenge, or staff retention challenge. This stage can be done at any time and you can save your Challenge Mode Park to work on at any time.
You will earn: Rise to the Challenge, Challenge Experience, Marketing Mogul, Money Spinner, Challenge Veteran, and Ultimate Thrillseeker trophies.

Ultimate Thrillseeker
Unlock all trophies.
Earn all other trophies. Congratulations on all your thrillseeking adventures!

Rank 10
Achieve Career Rank 10.
You will be at Rank 9, then need to complete the next 4 Scenarios to earn 12 Stars. They are: Festive Funlands, Cavernous Coasters, and Back from the Brink, all under Festive King Coaster's Crackers, and Miss Elly's Diner under Miss Elly's Round Up. See the pictures below for the Scenarios and their 3 Star Requirements for each.
These are some of the hardest scenarios to complete in the game as there are restrictions on how to obtain money to get these parks profitable and achieve the required tasks. For the coasters, you can buy pre-made coasters offered in the scenarios, do research to unlock new coasters that meet the requirements, build a coaster yourself, and/or use the Frontier Workshop to download a community member's coaster that meets the requirements.
Tips: When building or tweaking a coaster you should pause time and have enough money available to build/modify the coaster, test it, and open it. The more rides and coasters that are available, will increase your park's rating and increase the number of guests coming to your park. Do not immediately raise the price of ride/coasters until after enough guests have ridden them so you can get feedback from what they think is the price. This feedback will help you determine how much to increase the price by and it will show in real time how this will affect that month's profit for it. See Tips in Stage 3.
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 10. -
Festive Funlands Star Requirements. -
Cavernous Coasters Star Requirements. -
Back from the Brink Star Requirements. -
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 10. -
Miss Elly's Diner Star Requirements Page 1. -
Miss Elly's Diner Star Requirements Page 2. -
Rank 10 Unlocked.

Air Miles
Create a coaster with 15 moments of airtime.
You can build a coaster in Career or Sandbox Mode to make a coaster with 15 moments of airtime. You can also download someone else's created coaster on Frontier Workshop that meets these requirements. As soon as you create or place the coaster and test it, you will earn this trophy.

Star Studded Career
Earn all the stars in Career mode!
Finish Career Mode by earning all 72 stars in this game mode. There are 10 levels to rank up through with 24 scenarios worth 3 stars each. They all have an Easy (bronze star), Medium (Silver star), and Hard (Gold star) in each scenario. Playing through the Career Mode, there are specific Scenarios that will teach you a specific aspect of the game. Some examples are: how to manage staff, take out and repay loans, how to do research and marketing, how to build coasters to meet certain criteria, etc. As you Rank up, the challenges become harder as you are more limited in how to meet the necessary requirements for each star. Some examples are not being able to use loans, not being able to modify the terrain, limited money available, and limited facilities, rides, and coasters available to use at the start of a scenario.
You will need to be at Rank 10 and finish the game at Rank 11. You will need to complete 5 Scenarios worth 15 Stars. These are the hardest Scenarios in the game. They are: Starship Hangar and Goldmine Tower under Miss Elly's Round Up; and Monolith, Skull, and King Coaster under King Coaster's Royal Decree.
You can use the Frontier Workshop to download and use coasters with your game to complete the Star Requirements if needed. Below are pictures of all the Scenarios needed for Rank 11. Also, there are pictures of coasters that you may find useful from the Frontier Workshop by Whitewas. See Tips in Stage 3.
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 11. -
Starship Hangar Star Requirements Page 1. -
Starship Hangar Star Requirements Page 2. -
Goldmine Tower Star Requirements Page 1. -
Goldmine Tower Star Requirements Page 2. -
Goldmine Tower Star Requirements Page 3. -
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 11. -
Monolith Star Requirements Page 1. -
Monolith Star Requirements Page 2. -
Skull Star Requirements. -
King Coaster Star Requirements Page 1. -
King Coaster Star Requirements Page 2. -
Complete All Scenarios. -
Rank 11 Unlocked. -
Useful Coasters on Frontier Workshop Page 1. -
Useful Coasters on Frontier Workshop Page 2. -
Vector Gold Coaster on Frontier Workshop. -
Infinite Gold Coaster on Frontier Workshop. -
Loony Turns Gold Coaster Page 1 on Frontier Workshop. -
Loony Turns Gold Coaster Page 2 on Frontier Workshop. -
The Return Gold Coaster on Frontier Workshop. -
The American Gold Coaster on Frontier Workshop.

Crashing the Party
Create a coaster crash involving 300 guests.
Have a pathway that has a lot of rides and attractions. Also, wait until this pathway becomes very busy with a large number of guests. Next, you will create a coaster crash by using a Power Launch (Zenith) coaster to Custom Create a ground level track that is aimed at the busy pathway in your park. The coaster will not be a completed coaster track. You will need to test the coaster at this point so that the coaster cars will fly off the end of the incomplete track into the pathway containing lots of guests. Once you have involved 300 guests in the crash, you will earn this trophy. See the pictures and video below.
Crashing the Party Trophy.

Air Raising
Create a coaster with 10 moments of airtime.
See the "Air Miles" trophy description.

Jaw Dropping
Create a coaster with a 150m drop.
You can make a coaster with a 150m drop by either using a pre-made coaster and modifying it to meet this requirement. Another way is to create the coaster in any mode with a 150m drop. Lastly, you could download a coaster with this requirement from a community member in Frontier Workshop and use it in any mode.

Faster than Lightning
Create a coaster that achieves 200 mph.
You can make a coaster that reaches 200 mph by either using a pre-made coaster and modifying it to meet this requirement. Another way is to create the coaster in any mode that goes this fast using quick acceleration with a straight down steep drop. Lastly, you could download a coaster with this requirement from a community member in Frontier Workshop and use it in any mode.

The Ride of Your Life
Create a coaster at least 2500m in length.
In any mode, modify a pre-made coaster or create a coaster that is 2500m in length. You can also download a coaster with this requirement from a community member in Frontier Workshop and use it in any mode.

Marketing Mogul
Spend $10,000 on marketing in one month.
In Career Mode or Challenge Mode, you have some scenarios and challenges that require you to spend money on marketing your park. This is a great way to increase your Park Prestige and increase the number of guests that come to your park in the month that the marketing campaign is active. Some allow either two or three marketing campaigns to run at the same time. The easiest is to buy two $5000 television marketing campaigns as the print campaigns are not as effective as television or online marketing campaigns. The online campaigns are effective but are not expensive enough to add up to $10000 marketing campaign total.

Rank 9
Achieve Career Rank 9.
For Rank 9, you will need to complete 3 Scenarios. They are: Chief Beef's Raceway, Oak Island, and Downtown all under Chief Beef's Meaty Challenge. See Tips in Stage 3 and the pictures below.
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 9. -
Chief Beef's Raceway Star Requirements Page 1. -
Chief Beef's Raceway Star Requirements Page 2. -
Oak Island Star Requirements Page 1. -
Oak Island Star Requirements Page 2. -
Downtown Star Requirements Page 1. -
Downtown Star Requirements Page 2. -
Rank 9 Unlocked.

Rank 8
Achieve Career Rank 8.
For Rank 8, you will need to complete 3 Scenarios. They are: Golem Rampage and Shops 'n' Drops under Dex-R's Science Shenanigans; and Gulpee's Island Paradise under Gulpee's Island Paradise. Tips: See Tips in Stage 3 and the pictures below.
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 8. -
Golem's Rampage Star Requirements. -
Shops 'n' Drops Star Requirements. -
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 8. -
Gulpee's Island Paradise Star Requirements Page 1. -
Gulpee's Island Paradise Star Requirements Page 2. -
Rank 8 Unlocked.

Rank 7
Achieve Career Rank 7.
For Rank 7, you will need to complete 2 Scenarios. They are: Good Gully Miss Molly under Princess Amelie's Fairy Tale and Night Encounters under Dex-R's Science Shenanigans. See Tips in Stage 3 and the pictures below..
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 7. -
Good Gully Miss Molly Star Requirements. -
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 7. -
Night Encounters Star Requirements. -
Rank 7 Unlocked.

Challenge Veteran
Complete ten challenges in a single park.
To complete 10 challenges in Challenge Mode, you will be given various challenges to complete.
In general you will be:
1) Making a park
2) Adding small rides to bring guests in and increase profits
3) Looking and responding to customer and staff feedback
4) Adding drink and food shops
5) Adjusting prices of rides, drinks, food, park entrance fees, washroom fees, etc. to earn more money
6) Adding staff for specific needs like cleaning, security, repairs, vendors, etc. to keep up with customers' feedback
7) Marketing your park to increase its Prestige Rank and increase attendance
8) Build coasters, firework displays, restaurants, and hotels to attract even more guests to your park.
After completing a Challenge, you will be able to claim a cash reward. See pictures below. There is a park called Get It Done 10 Challenge Park on Frontier Workshop made by me as an example.
Example Challenges. -
More Challenge Examples. -
Get It Done 10 Challenge Park on Frontier Workshop.

Money Spinner
Achieve a monthly profit of $10,000.
To earn a monthly profit of $10,000 in a month you need to maximize how you are earning money. This includes: charging for park entrance and washroom use; have many rides and coasters with high ticket prices; and food, drink, balloon, hat, shops with high prices, among others.

Salt on the Senses
Add maximum amount of salt to your fries.
To add the maximum amount of salt to your fries, you need to have access to Monsieur Frites. This is a French Fry food shop. Go into the Food Menu for the shop and add "a lot" of salt to any size of french fries.
Salt of the Senses Trophy.

Investing in People
Train a member of staff to the highest level.
To train a staff member to their highest level, select Overview > Staff, the arrow up under the Training Level Category. After you select the staff member, they will go up one level of training. A staff member can only increase their training level every few months. Repeat this process until the staff member reaches their fifth level of training. It costs $50 each time you training a staff member ($200 in total). Remember to increase their pay after an upgrade or they may quit if they are not happy.
Staff Member – Increase Their Training Level.

You're Hired!
Re-hire a staff member who has quit.
Staff members' individual ratings of Happiness and Energy will change over time as they will react in real time to anything that is happening to them in the park. This can involve their workload, access to staff rooms, salary, and energy level. If their individual ratings are red, they are highly likely to quit. To re-hire a staff member that has quit choose the staff member and choose to rehire. If you wait too long to rehire them they will leave the park and you will not be able to rehire them. See the picture below.
Rehire a Staff Member.

Scream if You Want to Go Faster!
Create a coaster that achieves 100mph.
Create a coaster that achieves 100mph. It is easiest to achieve this when trying to earn the "Faster than Lightning" trophy.

Coasting Along
Create a coaster at least 750m in length.
To create a coaster that is 750m in length. Attempt this when trying to achieve 'The Ride of Your Life' trophy.

Speed Freak
Create a coaster that achieves 150mph.
Create a coaster that achieves 150mph. It is easiest to achieve this when trying to earn the "Faster than Lightning" trophy.

A Head for Heights
Create a coaster with an 80m drop.
Create a coaster that achieves an 80m drop. It is easiest to achieve this when trying to earn the "Jaw Dropping" trophy.

Don't Stop Me Now
Create a coaster at least 1500m in length.
Create a coaster that is 1500m in length. Attempt this when trying to achieve "The Ride of Your Life" trophy.

Hang Time
Create a coaster with 5 moments of airtime.
Create a coaster that achieves 5 moments of airtime. It is easiest to achieve this when trying to earn the "Air Miles" trophy.

Doing Your Homework
Complete a research project.
To complete a research project, you will need to select Research & Development>Research>Choose Research Category, choose any category, and select an item to research. Each research project has a cost and length of time for it to be completed. You will be paying for the research on a daily basis so it's not a one time payment each month. You can increase how quickly to research or even pause it at any time. Once the research project is complete you will receive a notification and then you need to reveal it to complete the research project. You will then be able to find and use the item under its respective category.
Choose a Research Category. -
Choose a Coaster to Research.

The Ratings Are Through the Roof!
Achieve a Park Rating of 1000.
To increase a Park Rating to 1000, you need to add rides, coasters, shops, attractions, scenery, waste bins, and staff members. You can also add scenery to individual rides and coasters entrance walkways to increase a Park's Rating. Also, having Marketing Campaigns will provide you with a temporary increase in you Park's Rating as long as the Marketing Campaign is running.

Rank 6
Achieve Career Rank 6.
For Rank 6, you will need to complete 2 Scenarios. They are called The Great Tree and Silversmith Manor under Princess Amelie's Fairy Tale. Tips: See Tips in Stage 3 and the pictures below.
The Great Tree Star Requirements. -
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 6. -
Silversmith Manor Star Requirements. -
Rank 6 Unlocked.

Rank 5
Achieve Career Rank 5.
For Rank 5, you need to complete 1 Scenario only called Pirate Cove under Captain Lockjaw's Buried Treasures. See Tips in Stage 3 and the pictures below.
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 5. -
Pirate Cove Star Requirements. -
Rank 5 Unlocked.

Rank 4
Achieve Career Rank 4.
For Rank 4, you will to complete 1 Scenario only called Creature Awakens under Captain Lockjaw's Buried Treasures. See Tips in Stage 3 and the pictures below.
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 4. -
Creature Awakens Star Requirements. -
Rank 4 Unlocked.

Rank 3
Achieve Career Rank 3.
For Rank 3, you need complete the second part of Oswald's Park Practice (Coaster Testing Facility Tutorial) which involves learning about how coasters are constructed. You will also complete the Pirate Battle under Captain Lockjaw's Buried Treasures. See Tips in Stage 3 and the pictures below.
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 3. -
Custom Create a Coaster to Meet the Star Requirements. -
Coaster Testing Facility Completed. -
What You Have Completed So Far Leading to Rank 3. -
Pirate Battle Star Requirements. -
Rank 3 Unlocks.

Rank 2
Achieve Career Rank 2.
You will be completing the first part of Oswald's Park Practice (Greener Pastures) and learning how to play the game. See pictures below.
Rank 2 Requirements Done. -
Greener Pastures. -
Rank 2 Unlocks.

Challenge Experience
Complete five challenges.
Complete 5 challenges in Challenge Mode. See the "Challenge Veteran" trophy.

Rise to the Challenge
Complete a challenge.
Complete 1 challenge in Challenge Mode. See the "Challenge Veteran" trophy.

Brightest Star in the Sky
Earn a gold star in Career mode.
In Career Mode, after completing Oswald's Park Practice, you will begin on Captain Lockjaw's Buried Treasures. You will have an audio overview of what is happening and needs to be done in the scenario. On the left side panel, there will be the descriptions for how to achieve the Easy, Medium, and Hard Stars. Do the requirements for the Hard (Gold) star to earn this trophy.

Rising Star
Earn a silver star in Career mode.
In Career Mode, after completing Oswald's Park Practice, you will begin on Captain Lockjaw's Buried Treasures. You will have an audio overview of what is happening and needs to be done in the scenario. On the left side panel, there will be descriptions for how to achieve the Easy, Medium, and Hard Stars. Do the requirements for the Medium (Silver) star to earn this trophy.

A Star is Born
Earn a bronze star in Career mode.
In Career Mode, after completing Oswald's Park Practice, you will begin on Captain Lockjaw's Buried Treasures. You will have an audio overview of what is happening and needs to be done in the scenario. On the left side panel, there will be descriptions for how to achieve the Easy, Medium, and Hard Stars. Do the requirements for the Easy (Bronze) star to earn this trophy.

Welcome to Planet Coaster
Complete the tutorial.
As soon as you start Career Mode, you will be able to play Oswald's Park Practice (Tutorial) which consists of earning 3 Stars for the Park Tutorial part. You will be at Rank 1 working towards completing the Star requirements for Rank 2. As you complete the different requirements, you will naturally be completing the tutorial to the game. See the "Rank 2" trophy descriptions for more details.

You're A Winner!
Win a Go Karts race while driving the kart.
To win a Go Karts race while driving the kart, you will need to build or place a Go Karts track in either Sandbox or Career Mode when it becomes available. Once the Go Karts track has been built, change (Edit at the top) its name to "Bollard" and the length of the race to one lap. Open the ride, guests will start to use the ride. Click on the Station Base (where the go karts line up before a race) and go to the Camera Mode for the ride on this popup menu. You will now be in a go kart. Make sure that you are at the front of the race track start line so you increase your chances of winning. Drive your kart around the track and come in the first place.
Tips: Use the accelerator in straighter parts of the track and avoid oversteering in the corners and bends of the track. If you do not come in first place, retry the race until you do so to earn this trophy. See the video below.

Loan Survivor
Repay a loan of $20,000.
To repay a loan of $20,000, you need to earn enough money to pay back this loan as you operate your park. This will be attainable in either Career or Challenge Mode. If you do not have very much money, reduce the payment to the lowest amount allowed. Build rides and shops to earn money, as your earned money increases and your park is operating smoothly, you can start to increase your loan repayment. This will decrease the amount of time needed to eliminate the loan. You can even pay it off in full when you have enough money to do this.
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